777 Setphot sideboard HB display cabinet 777 dining anne white oil
CASØ 777
777 Setphoto highboard white oil
CASØ 777

Unique furniture, giving great attention to small details

CASØ 777 is a stunning furniture series designed by Steffensen&Würtz. The design of the series is inspired by the classic, older louvred cabinets - the inspiration is expressed in expressive louvred fronts.

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CASØ 777 is a beautiful series of dining room furniture, designed by Steffensen&Würtz.

Steffensen&Würtz say this about the design process: 

"In the design of this series, we went for the horizontal lines that are emphasized by the layout of the fronts.
We looked at and took great inspiration from older louvered cabinets. We have played with this process and the play that comes in the door - where the surface breaks into several parts. We have worked with the classic louvered door and this expression and united it in a coherent and soft shape - a more curved and integrated design. The sideboard in particular frames the horizontal and the soft curved shape both via the stringent legs and the top plate that presses into the doors."

CASØ 777 contains two sideboards, a display cabinet, a highboard, a TV stand, and a dining table. 


Innovative design

Our vision is to deliver furniture in an innovative design, where quality, service and product development takes pride of place. Design and development is also highly prioritized as we put an emphasis on expanding our product range with focus on future trends - where competitive prices and quality are natural companions.